The West County Daylily Club of greater St. Louis has most of the club's activities centered at the Missouri Botanical Garden. We have meetings with speakers whose topics are plant related. There are two member daylily auctions each year, one in April and the other in August. A members' garden tour is conducted in July. The last event each year is a banquet. A guest speaker, who is a nationally recognized daylily hybridizer, presents a program highlighting his daylily introductions and his growing techniques.
Members of our organization maintain the Missouri Botanical Garden's daylily displays. In August we dig, wash, package and sell daylily plants from the MBG's daylily collection. The money earned is used to purchase equipment for the Garden's horticulture department and to acquire new daylily cultivars for the Garden's daylily beds.
The Jenkins Daylily Garden at MBG is recognized by the American Hemerocallis Society as an official daylily display garden. The West County Daylily Club is a member of the AHS's Region Eleven.
Officers of the West County Daylily Club:
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